"Discount in advance" is a phrase commonly used in the context of financial transactions and deals to indicate a discount or reduction in the cost of a good or service prior to its actual payment or delivery.
This practice may be applicable to a variety of business sectors, including retail, tourism, subscription services, and software or online course sales. An upfront discount can serve as an incentive for customers to make an earlier payment and help bring in additional funds for the business.
The practice of giving a discount in advance can be used in a variety of situations. For example, a supplier of goods or services may offer a customer a certain discount if the customer agrees to pay in advance or make an advance payment for products or services. In this case, the customer benefits in the form of a price reduction or savings on the purchase price.

In the context of cryptocurrency, the phrase "discount in advance" can be used to describe a situation where investors or project participants can receive a discount or bonus when buying tokens or cryptocurrency at an early stage of a project or before an initial public coin offering (ICO – Initial Coin Offering).This practice allows the project team to attract early investors and create interest in their cryptocurrency by offering them better terms than will be available in the future. Usually, such discounts or bonuses are given in the form of additional tokens, for example, when purchasing a certain number of tokens.A discount in advance can be a motivation for investors to invest early by getting additional tokens or benefits. This can be a strategy to raise capital and develop the project quickly.